• Leadership. It’s...
    A promise, not a title.
    A presence, not an answer.
    A shared performance, not a solo.
    And it is the singular and sustaining catalyst for organizational vitality, creativity, and growth. Join Bobby in this interactive keynote in which he challenges common myths about leadership and provides leaders with space to rediscover the fundamentals that allow their leadership - and their organization - to thrive.

  • We live in the age of information overload, and often, the pitches, presentations, and proposals we see only add to the ever-growing pile. And yet, the fundamental thing that helps us see, remember, and act on what is most important…is missing.


    Join Bobby in this interactive keynote presentation to discover how your organization’s unique story is the central catalyst for your next chapter of growth. You will also learn the fundamentals for telling that story (and your story) in a fresh, clear, and inspiring manner.

  • Today’s leaders are challenged to perform at a high level in a complex, rapidly evolving work environment. How can leaders ensure that they and their organization are growing and flourishing amid the challenge? Join Bobby as he explores how leadership is most fundamentally about a promise - and how delivering on that promise drives fresh vitality, creativity, and growth within leaders and their organizations.

  • Amid the busyness, change, and chaos in our life and work, we easily grow disconnected - from our work, from those around us, and even from ourselves. Is there a way back home to our true selves? A way to rediscover our vitality and direction? A way to connect deeply to the work we are here to do? Join Bobby as he leads audiences along a unique path that simultaneously leads back home and toward an inspired future.